What a difference a day makes…

What a difference a day makes up here at the country house. Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny, blue skies day that made me think of early April. Today is taking me back to the heart of winter. It is cloudy, cold and snowing. I love Idaho weather. If we just 5 minutes it will change!



Grays, Blues and Whites of January


I took our Bumpus Hounds on walk this morning. Cone head Roxie has cabin fever is becoming quite neurotic due to her limited freedom. She is used to being outside most of the day and running free. Right now that is not an option. Milo is sad too, because without Roxie he does not want to go dog pound. He needs her to back him up. They are so funny and so intertwined.

We walked up our neighbors country road. The dogs loved it and I was able to take in the beautiful winter views. The mountains around us are snow covered, the sky is a mix of silver, gray and purplish-blue. The beautiful colors of winter.




I know have two tired happy dogs and I feel a little tired and happy too. Thanks for stopping in and reading my post. Remember to be grateful and spread goodwill!

Christmas Eve in the country with snow, kids, and new traditions

We spent Christmas Eve at our house this year and have decided to do so every year going forward. It has been common for us to travel to my parent’s house in Washington State to spend Christmas with my family up there. After last Christmas with 2 kids, 2 dogs and loads of stuff to take there and more to bring back, we decided to stay home and enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in our home. I am so glad we did. We ended up having a great time on Christmas Eve and enjoyed Christmas morning in our jammies with coffee, happy kiddos, and happy Bumpus Hounds. We even came up with some new traditions…

First it snowed on Christmas Eve! We had about 3 inches when we woke up on Christmas morning. Bennett and I were driving back to the house when the snow started falling on Christmas Eve and we starting singing “White Christmas” off key and laughing. Here are some pics of our snowy day and morning:

Our beautiful Christmas Eve Snow!!!

Our beautiful Christmas Eve Snow!!!

Our beautiful White Christmas!

Our beautiful White Christmas!

We started a few new traditions on Christmas Eve afternoon/evening. Dreamy Eyes made us his wonderful street tacos that we all adore. Then the boys opened their Christmas jammies, courtesy of Mema and Papa. Bennett was most excited about his button down jammies because they had Seatte Seahawks inspired colors! Brax was cool with his jammies, however at 18 months, he smiled at his jammies, but didn’t really get it. We got the boys in their jammies, then sat around the wood stove and added some color powder to it. That stuff made the flames turn green, purple. pink, red, and etc… it looked a lot like the Northern Lights. We oohed and awed over that for a while. Once Brax went down, we put on a Christmas Story (on TBS), and played a few rounds of Yahtzee. Bennett had so much fun playing Yahtzee with us. After a few rounds he went to bed so Santa could come. It was a very fun, festive and somewhat magical evening. I looked at Dreamy Eyes and said we just started our family tradition. He agreed that this is something our boys will remember.

The Christmas Eve festivities wore Brax out...

The Christmas Eve festivities wore Brax out…

Bennett enjoying beating his Dad and I at Yahtzee while decked out in Seahawk colors

Bennett enjoying beating his Dad and I at Yahtzee while decked out in Seahawks colors

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas. Thank you for stopping in to read my post. Please remember to be grateful and have goodwill towards others…

Snow, Sunshine and Sub-Zero Temps…

I have spent the morning surrounded by the glorious warmth of the wood stove, listening to music, sipping hot coffee, while Brax runs around finding the wrong things to get into. It is so fun to have a toddler running around the house, it can be exhausting, however the pure joy he brings is just the thing to keep me young. The dogs are inside a lot right now because of the weather, needless to say that is a whole new world of play for Brax.

We had the large snow storm on Thursday and Friday followed by clear skies and sub-zero temps overnight. I love how the snow crystals look like a layer of glitter has been spread over the crust of the snow when the temps are arctic cold and the sun is shining. It is so bright outside, it looks like a post card. I feel like I am visiting a ski resort today or staying in someone’s cabin in January.

I was taking pictures from the porches today. I did not bundle up to go into the yard or venture onto the property. Those pics will come later this weekend. Thank you for stopping by to check out our snow, blue skies and scenery. I am happy and grateful you came to see me.

Bright Blues Skies and Shimmering Snow

Bright Blues Skies and Shimmering Snow


Snow Covered Bird House with Autumn Leaves…

Grown Up Snow Day – Working from Home

Hello snow day! I am working from home today because we have about 15 inches of snow up at my house. Yesterday morning when I was at work it starting snowing around 8 am and continued all day. I was living in the magic of the snow and had childlike excitement all day. Then came the drive home. First I had a take a visiting District Sales Manager to the airport on my way home. The airport is only 5 miles from my branch. It took me an hour to get him to the airport. Then came the drive home, it took me over 2 hours to get home. In total it was a 3 hour commute. We were predicted to pick up an additional 8 inches overnight. I had already planned on going in later, so I could drive in daylight. Then I woke up, and looked outside.

What a beautiful sight to see. There was over a foot of beautiful snow covering everything. I was in awe of it’s beauty as the snow kept falling. It was at that point I decided that this would be the perfect day to work from home. I am fortunate to have a laptop and phone dedicated to work. I emailed my team and my boss that I was working from home today due to the weather. I am very blessed to have the option to work from home when the weather is like this.

I feel like today has been an adult version of a snow day. I have been able to get a lot of work done, taken several calls, as well as finished some reporting I have been remiss on. Today has been a wonderful day and I am filled with gratitude and love for the weather and my job!

Gorgeous snowy covered landscaping

Gorgeous snowy covered landscaping

Snow topped fence posts

Snow topped fence posts

Snow covered plum tree

Snow covered plum tree

A view of our snow covered home...

A view of our snow covered home…

Grateful for Gorgeous Morning Views

Good Morning everyone on this gorgeous Sunday morning.  I wanted to take a moment to share with you the excitement I had waking up this morning. Last night we had a rain snow mix coming down with snow sticking to the cars, bbq, and fence posts. We were all so excited to see our first snow, especially this early in the season. When I woke up this morning, Dreamy Eyes told me to look outside, I did, and I smiled so big. Here is what I saw around 7:30 this morning, I love the last of the autumn colors set against the whites, blues, and purple-grays of winter.

What a wonderful sight to wake up to

What a wonderful sight to wake up to

  As the morning progressed along, the sun decided to make an appearance and added his own color pallette to the late autumn/early winter scene…

I love the bright pops of color

I love the bright pops of color

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to live in the Idaho country with these wonderful scenic views. When I am feeling low or have a tough day at work, I think about my evenings and weekends living here with my guys, seeing wildlife daily and moments like these. I then remember to be grateful and everything seems to start falling back into place.

Thank you for stopping by to look at this post and enjoy my views. I hope you have a fantastic day and find some time for gratitude…